
AG Hart Lawyers will serve you in the following jurisdictions:

Franchise Law

Law firm AG Hart Lawyers has specialized in providing expert guidance and advice to franchises, associations, cooperatives, dealer associations and other organizations that are currently cooperating with each other or wishing to do so on a commercial level

Advice&Process Management

AG Hart Lawyers offers a package of services including specialized advice and process management in the areas of forecasting problems, contract law, antitrust law, tenancy law, corporate law, employment law and intellectual property right

Contract Law

Contract law, also termed law of obligations, is one of the specializations of AG Hart Lawyers. Rental, purchase agreements and labor contracts – for which the law has set forth specific regulations – do require special legal advice. AG Hart Lawyers provides the right legal aid, tailored to the particular facts and circumstances of your case.

Corporate Law

At AG Hart Lawyers, companies’ issues are

approached from a corporate law perspective. Specializing in franchise and retail law over the years

has led our company to build up broad expertise in Dutch corporate law. We have assisted companies

and legal entities of virtually all sizes and in diverse sectors with our know-how.

Competition Law

Competition law regulates market competition. Its purpose is to ensure that competition is fair and effective. In the Netherlands the competition law is regulated by the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union and the Dutch competition law. Within this field of law, competition conduct may be either regulated or forbidden. The Dutch national competition law comprises the following:

Tenancy Law 

Tenancy law is the branch of the Dutch Civil Law system that deals with lease agreements.

The Dutch Civil Code governs lease agreements. The Dutch Civil Code, Book 7 states specific agreements and its Title 4 contains the regulations for lease agreements. In addition to specific regulations, the general rules set forth in Book 6 are also applicable to lease agreements.